a prophet bringing hope
'But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.'
Isaiah 40:31
chalk and charcoal on black Canson 160gsm paper
The eagle is often used in the Bible to symbolise God's love and care for His people (eg. Exodus 19:4 and Deuteronomy 32:11). Isaiah is represented as an eagle here because of the hope that is mentioned throughout his prophecy. This is the hope we have in God that will lift us out of the pain and brokenness of this world and allow us to 'soar on wings like eagles'.
Are you ever discouraged by the seemingly-endless darkness and evil of the world around us? God did not create our world to be so filled with the brokenness and pain that sin brought in. In our pursuit for hope in this darkness we look everywhere - at the world around us; at other people or leaders who seem to have it all together; or worse still, we are told to ‘look within ourselves’, as if our sinful nature isn’t the source of the problem but the solution to this brokenness.
At first glance, the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament may seem intimidating, abstract, and hard to understand. It contains so many repetitive woes and warnings (eg. ch1-39) of God’s wrath and the impending judgment of Israel’s (and our) sin. But it also contains some of the most encouraging words in the whole bible - promises of God’s plan to redeem His beloved people and hope for all the nations through the coming of the Suffering Servant and the glorious future that awaits God’s people (chap 40-66). Even though Isaiah’s words were written to a different audience over two thousand years ago, so many of its familiar verses are comforting to us because they give us the true source of enduring hope - God and God alone. Isaiah’s prophecy foretells of the great light dawning on the people walking in darkness (9:2, 42:16), the coming of the Messiah as a baby to earth and his rule (9:6). It also tells of the Servant’s suffering, triumph over death and deliverance (52-57), and the glorious future awaiting God’s people (58-66).
Whether you trust in Jesus as your personal saviour or not, perhaps you feel like you are currently stuck in a place that seems endlessly hopeless. Why not be challenged by the words of Isaiah and discover for yourself God’s heart and purpose for us?
If you would like to read more about the story of Isaiah please see -
Coming of Judgment: Isaiah 1-12
Judgment & Hope: Isaiah 13-27
Warnings of Woe: Isaiah 28-39
Deliverance of God's People: Isaiah 40-48
Suffering Servant: Isaiah 49-57
Coming Glory: Isaiah 58-66
The Bible Project also has lots of great resources on the book of Isaiah: https://bibleproject.com/guides/book-of-isaiah/​
or you can watch the video here: